In each seven year cycle, a new spiritual quality gets born.
Dr. Karen Nani Apana's talk about the Waldorf Biography Work and the seven year cycle is available. It covers nearly everything about the Biography Work, that I was really impressed with.
At the end of each seven year cycle, what spiritual quality has been born to you? What spiritual quality do you want to nurture in the next cycle? If you are in the middle of a cycle, what speaks to you the most as the theme of the current cycle?
In my case, I just had the Jupiter cycle (49-55 years old). Each cycle has a designated planet. Jupiter's 7 year cycle is the time of "expansion." I feel that I was forced to expand my ability in all aspects of my life. I worked on changing my old habit of thinking and cleared my consciousness. To be honest, I came to believe that the Biography Work helps to prevent people from having dementia! By clearing up life, one learns how to use his/her limited energy to spiritual growth. We can grow old in a balanced way!
私の場合は木星の7年間(49-55歳)が過ぎたばかり。そう、7年周期にはおのおのを司る惑星があります。木星の7年間は「拡大の時期」。あらゆる面で私は能力のかぎりを拡大させられた感があります。さまざまな自分の思い癖を修正し、はっきりと毎日を生きるようになった、と感じます。実は、バイオグラフィーワークで認知症にならない! と思っています。人生を整理し、限られたエネルギーを無駄にすることなく、精神の成長に向けて生きれば、バランスよく歳をとれる!と思うのです。
すっかり忘れて 神を思う境地にもどってくればいい
Just like a bird at bathing, splashing off water
She can forget everything to return to Divine.
What does she forget?
It lets me think that.
At the same time, I feel a relief from this warm line.
(About the cover image: "splashing off" in Japanese.
It is a personal interpretation of my favorite Baul poetry.)