In recent events, my Odissi Guruji, Sri Vishnu Tattva Das's most recent performance video was up on his Youtube channel.
The popular Oriya tune, "Dine Na Takibu" written by Banamali Das, is a love poem of Radha and Lord Krishna. In it, Radha expresses that "oh, Lord, please do not call me again and again with your charming flute" in flustered mood.
私のオディッシのグルジ、ヴィシュヌー タッタヴァ ダス氏の最新のパフォーマンスのビデオがヴィシュヌー先生のYoutubeチャンネルにアップされました。
オリヤ語の人気曲「Dine Na Takibu」はボノマリ ダス作詞のラーダとクリシュナ神の愛を描いた詩です。この詩は、ラーダが「おお、クリシュナ様、どうかその美しい笛の音で私を何回も何回も呼ぶのをおやめになって」と怒ったふりをしながら歌っています。
I see that he is surrounded in subtle light as Vishnu Guruji appears on stage.
Vishnu Guruji is not just a dance teacher to me. His teachings expand much beyond physical dance movement and knowledge. I think that is because he himself is a spiritual seeker. I notice this especially when I visit his house for lessons. Because birds around his house live in perfect harmony even engaging in conversation.
When one is in stillness, she/he starts realizing things are talking to themselves. Slowly one can melt into the space around them and tune in with their surroundings.
About the cover image: